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North Brisbane Weightlifting Association By-Laws


  •  Any member who uses the gym does so voluntarily and at the individual’s

own risk. The NBWA will not be liable for any injury sustained by any person
as a result of using the gym equipment.

  •  Children under 18 years of age must be under the control of a coach or


  • All equipment is to be used for its intended purpose in a safe manner and

returned to the correct racks.

  •  Please avoid trip hazards and be aware of leaving your personal belongings

in areas that impact others’ workouts.


  •  The last person out of the gym is responsible for closing and locking all

internal and external doors and windows as well as turning off all lights, fans
and the stereo.

  •  All equipment faults must be reported to any of the NBWA committee as soon

as practical.

Gym Rules

  •  Lifters competing in club competitions must be current financial members of

the Queensland Weightlifting Association (QWA).

  •  No member is to coach or instruct others for personal profit without prior

approval from the NBWA committee.

  •  Coaches and instructors must be current financial members of NBWA and


  • In extenuating circumstances – and on approval by committee – a member can request for membership fees to be credited.

Behavioural Conduct
NBWA Members and casual visitors will endeavour to practise appropriate gym
etiquette for the safety and well-being of all members by:


  • Respecting the rights, dignity and worth of others.

  •  Refraining from any form of abuse, harassment, bullying, discrimination or

victimisation towards others directly or indirectly including online. This
includes: verbal abuse including shouting, swearing, teasing, making belittling
remarks, persistent unjustified criticism, spreading malicious rumours and

  •  NBWA has a zero-tolerance policy towards bullying, harassment and

discrimination, including cyberspace platforms.

  •  Offending persons will be issued one formal warning prior to termination of

membership with pro-rata refund of remaining membership.

Adapted from AWF Member Protection Policy November 2017

Thank you

Last updated 13.1.2024 – in align with new premises.

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